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Isaiah Bogdanov

Following the footsteps of Giants!

I've lived amongst great art all my life, in no small part due to my father Peter Bogdanov. So of course since long before 2015, when I started tattooing, I've been following every step to greatness I can find!

Fantasy to reality!

My greatest joy artistically has been blowing expectations out of the water. Whether by showcasing next level art and ideas, or disproving old tattoo limits. Most importantly though I do all that simply so I can bring both my and my client's dreams to life.

Tattoo Artist Isaiah Bogdanov

Full Blown Color

Education By Life

Reflecting the colors of life

I've had the pleasure to grow and learn much more than just artistically over the years. Most importantly i think through my own colorful life I've learned to create just as vibrantly with my client's own  experiences as I do with ink. Adapting my life of muraling, sketching, and tattooing to understanding and telling their stories as brilliantly as if they were my own.

Colorful bird and flower tattoo sleeve
colorful comic inspired tattoo
Colorful underwater portrait tattoo

Smooth Black & Gray

Black Wash or Opaques

There is not a more comfortable medium to play in.

I love to do black and gray tattooing both in the traditional sense as well as using modern opaque gray shades. Enjoy some of my work in the gallery.

opaque black and grey mickey tattoo
black and grey lion cross tattoo
black and grey map compass arrow tattoo

Cover Ups

Before & After Results

There is nothing we can't cover. We take the hardest projects on earth.

Whether large, small, easy, or impossible we can cover up anything. The only questions then become when and how. Find out now by reaching out.

cover up painting tatt
colorful painterly wolf cover up tattoo
colorful flower cover up tattoo


Changing body and mind.

The greatest gift I share is knowing how much love I can spread through art.

I help burn patients, cancer survivors, clients with skin conditions and people with scars to heal the negative feelings these issues can cause. Learn more about the true healing properties that tattoo art provides when medicine and surgery are not enough.

paramedical cover up sunflower tattoo
colorful cover up orchids tattoo
paramedical cover up peony tattoo

Ai Artwork 

Mastering Ai 

Ai Art Platforms are just one of my many tools for designing tattoos.

I utilize the power of Ai art platforms to show my clients numerous options at an unmatched pace. Check out just some of my Ai generated art work.

Ai Lotus flaming heart in space
Ai mermaid

Sessions With Isaiah

Service Option
Location Option
San Francisco
St Petersburg
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