I understand the risks of getting a tattoo, including infection, scarring, melanoma detection issues, and allergic reactions to pigments, latex, and soap. Despite these risks, I choose to proceed and accept all potential risks. I release the Artist and Tattoo Studio from all liability for any claims arising from my tattoo, including negligence. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about my tattoo, and they have been answered to my satisfaction.
I have received and understand aftercare instructions. If my tattoo requires touch-up work due to my negligence, it will be at my own expense. I am not under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medication and am voluntarily getting tattooed without duress.I have eaten within the last 2 hours and do not have medical conditions that could interfere with the tattoo. I am not pregnant, nursing, or mentally impaired.
I acknowledge that tattoo inks, dyes, and pigments are not FDA-approved, and their health effects are unknown. I take full responsibility for the meaning and spelling of the tattoo design I provided. I understand that artwork may vary from the design and will fade over time due to sun exposure and pigment dispersion. I consent to the use of photographs of me and my tattoo in print or electronic form.
I agree to reimburse the Artist and Tattoo Studio for any legal fees if they prevail in a legal action I bring against them. The courts in Pinellas County, Florida, and San Francisco California have jurisdiction over disputes related to this agreement.
I am over 18 years old and understand that the tattoo is a permanent change to my appearance. I have had adequate time to read and understand this document and acknowledge that I am signing a legal contract waiving certain rights. If any part of this release is found unenforceable, the remainder will still be valid.
Social Media Waiver: I waive the right to review, rate, or share opinions about tattoos costing $301.00 or less and or on hands and feet. Constructive reviews with 3 or more stars are welcome. Negative reviews will result in a $1,000 fee, increasing to $5,000 if legal action is required. All negative reviews must be removed immediately.